Fresh drinking water from Lake Michigan.
We provide drinking water to 107,395 City of Green Bay residents (and drinking water is all we do!)
We’re the 3rd largest drinking water supplier in the state and are a nonprofit.
We obtain our raw water from Lake Michigan, more than a mile from shore and 60 feet deep.
Our system includes a pump station at Lake Michigan, Filter Plant, seven pressure zones, four elevated tanks, one reservoir, three booster stations, 13 pressure-reducing structures, eight backup wells & almost 4,000 fire hydrants.
Drinking water is delivered through 440 miles of the distribution system (pipes) within the City limits!
We pump, treat and distribute an average of 22 million gallons of water daily.
Our Filter Plant can treat up to 42 million gallons of water daily.
We offer the most affordable drinking water in Brown County. Three gallons of our drinking water cost about one penny.
We also sell our water to four wholesale customers:
Village of Ashwaubenon
Town of Scott
Village of Hobart
Village of Wrightstown
Our 64 employees have a combined 842 years of experience.
Our team works 24/7 to ensure high-quality, safe and reliable drinking water.
We perform more than 10,000 water quality tests every year.
The Environmental Protection Agency sets regulations enforced by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to ensure we are always in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), passed by Congress in 1974.
Our water rates are set by the state Public Service Commission through rate cases in which we request pricing to cover the costs of providing service.
In 2021, we invested more than $3.8 million to replace aging infrastructure (including water mains).
We maintain water quality in multiple ways, water main flushing, which uses high velocities to “scour” the water mains.
In 2016, we won best-tasting water from the Wisconsin Section of the American Water Works Association.
We are leaders in getting the lead out of our water system.
We completed our last known lead service replacement in the city on October 6, 2020. Our team is nationally recognized for completing the 100% voluntary lead service replacement program.